Current News

Four Small Sustainability Practices

The Office of Sustainability and Enviroment released four easy steps to make sustainability part of your everyday.You can see all four steps and more information

$1.75 million in Federal Funds

Sen. Collins includes $1.75 million in federal funding for new Bath fire station ( Susan Collins last week announced she included $1.75 million for Bath’s new fire station in a federal spending bill.The money was part of nearly $14 million in funding Collins included in the Agri…

City Hall to Offer Extended Hours

Beginning July 10th City Hall hours will be:Monday-Thursday7:30 am- 12 pm 1 pm- 5:30pm Closed Friday

Washington St. Traffic Calming Project

In collaboration with the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and the Bath Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee, The city will implement a recommended set of traffic calming efforts aimed at creating a safer environment for cyclists. Recognizing the importance of promoting active transportation and reducing acc…

City Unveils new Pride Logo

In advance of the City's first-ever pride celebration, a new pride version of the City's logo was unveiled. The new pride logo symbolizes the city's commitment to celebrating diversity and fostering a sense of belonging for all residents and visitors.The new logo features the recognizable Wyoming S…

Invitation to Bid - Asbestos Abatement

The City of Bath is soliciting sealed bids for asbestos abatement of the 1941 and 1968 additions of the former Morse High School located at 826 High School in Bath, Maine. Proposals are due 2:00PM EST on June 30, 2023. For more information, see Morse HS Abatement Request for Proposals.pdf. 

Proposed Highway Improvements

The Maine Department of Transportation is currently working on preliminary engineering for a Highway Construction Project on Route 1 in the City of Bath. The purpose and need of this project are safety improvements by intersection realignment upgrades on Route 1. The project is further described as…

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