, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - South End Sewer Project

South End Sewer Project

Project Updates:

December 4, 2020 - UPDATE - All significant construction activities have been completed. All pipes, manholes, and catch basins have been installed. Everything is functioning as designed. All significant paving has been completed. There are some minor tasks involving cleanup, landscaping, and paving that will be completed in Spring 2021. Overall, a very successful project that has already paid dividends. During the recent heavy rainstorms, the project area contributed much less rainwater into the sewer system. There were no combined overflows in the area and less water was was pumped to the wastewater plant for treatment. To all the residents who endured the dust, noise, and general inconvenience of having ongoing construction in their yards and streets, the City offers you a huge THANK YOU!

October 25, 2020 - UPDATE - Contractor restoring backyards in area between Washington Street and Cherry Street. Most disturbed plants have been replanted. Old sewer pipe has been filled with concrete. Pressure testing of new sewer is underway. Driveways are being prepared for repaving. Work in the area will continue for next 1-2 weeks until all restoration is complete. Work will then shift to High Street near Hyde School for a storm drain installation. Trees have already been removed and area has been grubbed. Video inspections of existing pipes have been performed in preparation for excavation work. 


October 19, 2020 - UPDATE - Weeks Street pavement restoration completed. Getchell Street sewer installation completed with pavement restoration expected next week. Sewer and storm drain installation from Washington Street to Cherry Street completed. Work underway to restore backyards and paving. Work will move to area west of High Street and north of Nichols Street next week. 


September 9, 2020 - UPDATE - Crooker has placed SMH 1282 located at the entrance of Schooner Ridge Road off Getchell Street. Working on placing SMH 996A. Significant ledge to hammer and remove in this pipe run. Expect another week of work on Getchell Street to complete the new sewer installation. House service installation will follow completion of the sewer main. 

In the Middle/Marshall Streets area, low pressure testing of the new sewer from SMH 971 to SMH 966, and SMH 966 to SMH 967 completed and passed. These sections were also video inspected and passed inspection.

Behind Hunt Street pump station, low pressure testing and video inspection from SMH 1021 to SMH 5 completed and passed. 

Expect street paving on Weeks Street to be completed in the near future.

Cross-country work in the Cherry/Middle/Washington Streets corridor is expected to start after the completion of Getchell Street on approximately September 16, 2020. 


August 28, 2020 - UPDATE - New storm drain and replacement sewer lines were installed in the Middle/Marshall Streets area. The contractor has replaced fences and repaired lawns. Work to replace the existing sewer on Getchell Street will be starting today. Fences and other items will be removed and trees trimmed and/or removed in the Cherry/Middle/Washington corridor in preparation for installation of sewers and storm drains. Work will begin after Getchell Street is completed in approximately 2-3 weeks. 


August 24, 2020 - UPDATE - CPM switched traffic for phase two of the wearing surface replacement and began demo for deck repairs.

August 18, 2020 - UPDATE - Cross-country sewer pipe replacement completed near Hunt Street pump station. Yard restoration, loaming, and seeding to follow. Preparation of Weeks Street and Weeks/Washington intersection for paving of excavated areas. Storm drain installation underway in yards between Middle and Marshall Streets. 


August 18, 2020 - UPDATE - Crooker Construction will be closing a section of Marshall Street between Middle Street and Washington Street to work on sewer/storm drain tie-ins. During the closure, only local traffic will be permitted. Other traffic will be detoured around the closure. Road will be reopened to thru traffic once the work is completed. 

August 17, 2020 - UPDATE - CPM completed concrete placements for the Phase 1 wearing surface, sidewalk repairs, and began curing.

August 14, 2020 - UPDATE - Storm drain installation on Weeks Street is completed.  Paving of trench excavations is expected the week of August 17.  The new sewer between Middle and Washington Streets, north of Hunt Street, is about halfway done.

August 7, 2020 - UPDATE - The new sewer line and manholes have been installed on Weeks Street. The new storm drain is partially installed. This work should be completed in the next week. Paving is expected to take place the week of August 17. 

Weeks sewer photo

Project Description:

The work of this project is the result of a study of portions of the wastewater collection system in south Bath by Wright Pierce Engineers in 2017.  Field work consisting of pipe and manhole inspections as well as smoke testing, revealed failing sewer infrastructure. The pipes were either leaking sewage out, or allowing storm water and ground water in.  There were also many storm water catch basins connected to the sewer.  Groundwater and storm water that makes its way to a sewer is called I/I, or infiltration/inflow.  This water does not require treatment at the wastewater treatment plant.  Yet once it gets into a sewer pipe, it is pumped multiple times and treated before discharge to the Kennebec River.  Pumping and treating clean water is a waste of resources in the form of chemicals for treatment and electricity for pumping and treating.  In addition, all of this extra water in the sewers reduces the capacity of the sewer which could result in failures and discharge of untreated sewage.  

Phase 1 was completed in early 2018 and consisted of relining existing sewers.  This created a new sewer within the existing pipe without digging.  The current project is Phase 2 and consists of replacement of failing sewer pipes, installation of new storm drain pipes, and disconnection of existing catch basins from the sewer and connection to the new storm drains.  This phase includes digging up and replacing existing sewers rather than relining as this group of pipes were not capable of being relined due to extremely poor conditions.

The work areas include:
•    East portion of Weeks Street
•    Getchell Street
•    Area around the intersection of Middle and Marshall Streets
•    Area between Middle and Washington Streets north of Hunt Street
•    Academy Green neighborhood to High Street (west of High Street, north of Nichols Street)

Project Documents:


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Monday - Friday
Office: 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Landfill: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM