, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Landfill FAQ

Landfill FAQ

What is the Landfill telephone number?

(207) 443-8356

What are the operating hours?

Monday through Friday; 7:30am - 4:00pm

Where is the Landfill located?

11 Detritus Drive. Follow High Street to the north end where you’ll see signs to turn left.

Why do we need a permit system?

City policies apply differently to residents, non-residents, and businesses.

How much does a permit cost?

There is no fee for residential permits. Contractors, commercial haulers, and businesses can get a commercial permit by paying the appropriate fee. View Permit Fees

How do I get a resident or non-resident landfill permit?

Come to the landfill and tell the scale attendant you would like a permit.

How do I get a commercial landfill permit?

You must call or visit the City Clerk's office in City Hall (55 Front Street, Bath). (207) 443-8332.

What will be acceptable proof of residency or property ownership in Bath to obtain a Resident Permit?

Current property tax bill, a current utility bill, OR a current vehicle registration AND a matching picture ID.

Can I recycle without a permit?

No, we need to collect information on where our materials come from.

Can I salvage materials at the landfill?

Picking or salvaging is prohibited at all times. Occasionally a firewood pile will be available for public consumption. 

Where can I get a Bath Tub (recycling bin)?

Tubs are available at the Bath Landfill. You don’t have to have a blue bin; you can use any other container for recycling as long as it is clearly marked. You can get a recycling sticker for your other bin at the landfill or City Hall.

Can I dispose of hazardous waste at the landfill?

The Landfill does not usually accept disposal of hazardous waste, except for small quantities of household hazardous waste mixed with general refuse, although we occasionally host a "Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day" for local communities - please call the Landfill at (207) 443-8356 for more information.

The Environmental Depot in Lewiston and the Riverside Recycling Facility in Portland serve as collection sites for household hazardous waste from all Maine residents. Check their web sites for hours and charges. 

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
Physical Location: 11 Detritus Drive
Mailing Address: 450 Oak Grove

Monday - Friday, 7:30AM - 4:00PM