The following items are accepted for burial in the landfill:
- Solid Waste
- Construction & demolition debris
- Household refuse delivered by commercial hauler
- Bulky waste
- Contaminated recyclables
Please be aware that Bath City Ordinance prohibits the drop-off of household refuse by residential customers at the landfill. The curbside collection service should be utilized.
These items are not accepted for disposal:
- Liquids
- Septage
- Agricultural waste
- Universal waste
- Hazardous waste*, except for small quantities of household hazardous waste mixed with general refuse
- Un-permitted special waste
- Junked or abandoned vehicles
- Asbestos and asbestos containing wastes unless specifically authorized by the MDEP
- Contaminated soil
- Paper mill or tannery sludge
- Dead animals
- Medical and other potentially infectious or pathogenic wastes
- Sandblasting grit
- Industrial process wastes
- Industrial fly ash and bottom ash
- Oily waste
- Sheetrock
- Any other wastes not specifically mentioned in the Operations & Maintenance manual or otherwise deemed unacceptable by the City or MDEP
*The Environmental Depot in Lewiston and the Riverside Recycling Facility in Portland serve as collection sites for household hazardous waste from all Maine residents. Check their web sites for hours and charges. The City of Bath also occasionally holds a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day for local communities.
These Special Wastes are accepted with conditions. Please call ahead:
- Catch basin grit
- Dewatered backwash filtrate from Bath Water District
- Street sweepings
- Grit & screenings from Bath Wastewater Plant
- Dewatered sludge from Bath Wastewater Plant
- Non-friable asbestos