Fire Station Project

Voters approved a $13.05 million bond referendum on November 8, 2022, for the design, construction, and equipping of a new fire station. The project will replace the current fire station at 864 High Street and will be located at the north end of the former Morse High School property on High Street. Sign up for e-mail updates about the project

The new fire station project originated from a Facilities Committee walkthrough in 2017 and has been in development since 2020 when the City contracted with Harriman to conduct a facility assessment, spatial needs analysis, and conceptual design for the Fire and Police Departments to help inform the former Morse High School reuse study. Both facilities were found to be inadequate for the current programs for each department.

The former Morse site was evaluated for a potential combined public safety building, but the site did not have enough developable space for both departments. The fire station, which opened in 1958, was prioritized due to the level of deficiencies, the needs of the department, and the location of the site. In 2021, the public feedback from the former Morse reuse study supported a mixed-use redevelopment of the site, including a fire station.

The cost estimate for the project is $16,538,376. The amount to be borrowed for the project was reduced by $3,488,376 due to recent amendments to the City's TIF districts to allow for public safety facility project costs. If approved, the debt payment at 3% interest will be $750,000/year over 25 years. It is estimated that an increase in property taxes on a home assessed at $250,000 will be $125.

Project Updates

June 25, 2023- Federal Funding Secured

Press Release

November 8, 2022 - Bond Referendum Results


October 27, 2022 - Public Informational Meeting

Meeting video

Presentation slides 


October 21, 2022 - Fire Station Tour


August 3, 2022 - City Council Approval of Bond Referendum

Meeting video

Order and Bond Ordinance 

July 22, 2022 - Concept Drawings and Probable Cost Estimates

Concept Drawings

Probable Cost Estimates

June 15, 2022 - City Council Fire Station Workshop

Meeting Video

Slideshow presentation

October 29, 2021 - Fire Station Residential Analysis


May 7, 2021 - Morse High School Reuse Study

Final Report

November 16, 2020 - Fire and Police Facility Study

Full Report

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-443-8358
Emergencies: Dial 911
864 High Street

Administrative Office Hours
Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM