There are people around you who do so much for so little credit! Is there someone you know who does important work in the community and should be recognized?
Please take the time to show your appreciation for your neighbors, volunteers, and co-workers by nominating them for a Bath Community Involvement Day Award! Nominate them for one of the following awards:
Citizen of the Year Award: A Bath citizen who participates in numerous community organizations, reflecting outstanding service to the Bath community.
Youth Award: A youth, up to 21 years old, who has made an outstanding civic service to the Bath schools or community. Youth must reside or attend schools in Bath.
Community Project Award: A notable project or organization that addresses Bath community needs in a positive, nurturing, and significant way.
Al Smith Community Spirit Award: A person or group that demonstrates vision, leadership, and steadfast commitment to projects that enhance our Bath community.
Deadline for nomination submission: Monday, September 16, 2024