, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - City Clerk

City Clerk

Darci Wheeler was appointed City Clerk by the City Council and took the Oath of Office on January 8, 2020. She is a member of the Maine Town and City Clerks Association (MTCCA), New England Association of City and Town Clerks (NEACTC), and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).  She received her Certified Clerk of Maine (CCM) certificate in 2022 and is currently working on her Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) certificate. She is joined by Christopher Taylor, Deputy City Clerk and Amanda Yenco, Assistant City Clerk and General Assistance Administrator. 

The Mission of the City Clerk's Office 

Accurately maintain all city records, to conduct elections and voter registration processes, and provide information to City Officials and the general public with professionalism and efficiency, meeting all statutory obligations of the State of Maine and the City of Bath. 

Goal of the City Clerk's Office 

To provide the highest quality of public service to the City of Bath, in the most timely and friendly manner possible.  

What Is the City Clerk? 

City Charter, Chapter 2. City Council; Section 220. City Clerk: 

“The Council shall elect an Officer of the City to serve an indefinite term, who shall have the title of City Clerk, shall give notice of its meetings, shall attend all meetings of the City Council and keep a journal of its proceedings, shall authenticate by signature and record in full in a book all ordinances and resolutions duly indexed and open to public inspection and shall perform such other duties as shall be required by this Charter or by ordinance.  The City Clerk shall issue to every person appointed to any office by the City Council or by the City Manager, a certificate of such appointment. The City Clerk shall perform all duties and exercise all powers incumbent upon or vested in Town and City Clerks generally, and by statute, and shall be the custodian of the seal of the City.  In case of the temporary absence, incapacitation or death of the City Clerk, the City Council may appoint a Clerk pro tempore, with all the powers, duties, and obligations of the City Clerk, who shall be duly qualified.”   

The City Clerk's Office is the first point of contact for City-wide information. 

The City Clerk is a member of three professional organizations, The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IMC), the New England Association of City and Town Clerks (NEACTC), and the Maine Town and City Clerks Association (MTCCA). These organizations are dedicated to prepare its membership to meet the changes of the diverse rolls of the Municipal Clerk by providing education, professional development, and networking opportunities which enhance the level of service to our communities. 

The Office of the City Clerk 

The Office of the City Clerk is traditionally associated with municipal elections and recording of the minutes of the City of Bath Council meetings, but its scope of business is diverse, and the work demands versatility, accuracy, and patience. 

The Clerk is the historian of the City's recorded history and therefore manages the official records of the City of Bath. No other office in municipal service has so many contacts. The office serves the City Council, the City Manager, and all City Departments without exception.  

  • Maintains a list of all City boards and committees and prepares appointment letters as required 

  • Files and maintains candidate files for elected and City officials, employees, and appointed representatives to Boards and or Committees by City Council Members 

  • Records and maintains all vital statistics records including birth, death, and marriage certificates for the City of Bath 

  • Administers the City of Bath’s business licensing program 

  • Issues hunting, fishing and dog licenses 

  • Coordinates, prepares, and develops agendas and content for the City of Bath Council meetings, attests to and countersigns all contracts, bonds, ordinances, proclamations, resolutions and other official documents as required by law, and ensures that all Council documents are fully executed by all parties 

  • Attends all meetings of the City of Bath City Council, records minutes of each meeting 

  • Prepares and publishes legal notices, advertisements, and notices of public hearings, regular meetings and special called meetings 

  • Records and publishes ordinances and resolutions of each City Council meeting as required by statute or ordinance; ensuring compliance with those and other laws 

  • Maintains and safeguards books and files of all official City records which include, but may not be necessarily limited to, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, proclamations, contracts, and agreements 

  • Responsible for codification of laws for the City of Bath City Code 

  • Directs Record Retention Program in accordance with Department of State guidelines; coordinates preservation and archival of all City Documents 

  • The City Clerk's Office coordinates the administration of all State, RSU#1, and City elections 

  • The City Clerk administers Oaths and Affirmations as necessary 

  • Maintains and preserves the City seal 

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-443-8333
Emergencies: Dial 911
55 Front Street

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 5:00PM