City Council

For upcoming meeting information and agendas please use our meeting dashboard at

The Bath City Council is composed of nine members, one member from each of the City's seven wards and two at-large members. Councilors serve three-year terms.


City Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month in City Council Chambers (55 Front Street, 3rd floor). Additional meetings, when needed, are held on the third Wednesday of the month. 

You can watch City Council meetings through Bath Community Television (BCTV) Channel 14. Click Here to watch BCTV online on demand.

Ward Map

To find out which City Council member represents you, please view our Ward Map.

Council Members

To contact the Councilor in your Ward, please use the chart below. Click the Councilor's name to learn more about them.

CouncilorWard (click to view map)EmailPhone

Chris MarksWard 370-4019

Mary Ellen Bell (Chair)Ward 798-2531

Terry NordmannWard 442-8022

Louis "Roo" DunnWard
(207) 370-0113

Jennifer DeChant
(207) 442-8486

Caitlin McCorkleWard 553-3633

Miriam Johnson
Ward 939-5066

Julie Ambrosino (Vice Chair)At
(207) 504-4533

Megan Mansfield-Pryor
(207) 443-8332

Powers of the City Council (City Charter):

"The City Council shall have, exercise, and enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers and privileges of municipal corporations incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine. It shall be subject to all the duties, liabilities and obligations provided for herein, or otherwise pertaining to or incumbent upon municipal corporations. It may enact orders, resolutions and ordinances consistent with the constitution and laws of the State of Maine and establish penalties for the breach thereof as authorized by law."

The City Council decides on policy and legislative matters and its decision are implemented through the City Manager's Office.

The City Council is advised and the City is represented on legal matters by the City Solicitor Phil Saucier of Bernstein Shur.