Resilient Bath

When faced with challenges, our community remains strongthis is Bath. As a city that still builds ships on the same river as we did 200 years ago, resilience has always been a part of our community. With Resilient Bath, we will chart our course towards a safer, stronger future for everyone. 

The impacts of climate change are nothing new to Bath residents; we have all experienced more intense storms, increased flooding, and unprecedented seasonal temperature changes in our communityWith the Resilient Bath Plan, we have a collective opportunity to build resilience to these impacts while continuing to reduce our climate pollution and invest in clean energy.  

Bath has already set a high bar for climate action in Maine, and now is our opportunity to strengthen our community and build on our legacy of climate leadership. The Resilient Bath Plan will lay out smart, practical strategies to continue our path towards a more sustainable and resilient future, and it will be up to all of us to ensure its successOur city never backs down from a challenge – let's move forward, together.