, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Recycling


Recycling Information

Table of Contents

  1. Residential Recycling at Curbside
  2. Single Stream Recycling
  3. Business Recycling
  4. Universal Waste Recycling
  5. Electronics Recycling
  6. Mercury Thermostat Recycling
  7. Plastic Film Recycling
  8. Paint Recycling
  9. Shredded Paper 
  10. Can I Recycle This? 

Curbside Residential Recycling

  • Recycling in bags will not be collected.
  • Recycling is picked up on the same day as your trash.
  • Recycling must be set out in a blue bin or other sturdy container and must be loose.  
  • Casella's material recovery center cannot process recycling in bags. 
  • The City of Bath contracts with Pine Tree Waste to collect your recyclables curbside.
  • Click here for an in-depth chart of what to recycle.

If you need a blue Bath Tub (recycle bin), just visit the Bath Landfill Scale house; the bins are $10 each. We'll take your name and address and give you a tub with instructions on how to use it and when. 

You don’t need a blue tub to recycle; use any container smaller than 32-gallons, write “RECYCLING” on the side and you’ve got yourself a Bath Tub. Even better, come out to the landfill or city hall and get an official bumper sticker for your homemade Bath Tub!

Single Stream Recycling

It ALL goes in together! You do not need to separate the materials – They will be collected all mixed together! 

You can now place in your blue bin or other container:

Download printable PDF here.

Business Recycling

  • Recycling is mandatory in Bath.
  • Businesses are invited to participate by bringing recyclables to the landfill.
  • Your staff can bring the materials or hire a commercial hauler.
  • Businesses in Bath do not participate in the curbside recycling program.
  • Abide by the rules and keep things separated.
  • Click here for an in-depth chart of what to recycle.
If you generate large quantities of recyclable materials, we ask that you make arrangements with a private hauler to take the materials to another facility as the landfill is not staffed or equipped to handle large loads. Please call the landfill (443-8356) to inquire if your loads will be accepted.

Universal Waste Recycling

The Bath Landfill accepts all these materials for recycling. These items must be delivered to the landfill intact and undamaged. Curbside collection is not available for these items.

Universal wastes are items generated universally, by residents, schools, and businesses. The category includes:

  • Cathode Ray Tubes – televisions and computer monitors
  • Fluorescent Lamps – tubes, circle, u-shaped, and compact
  • Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts containing PCBs
  • Rechargeable batteries – Ni-MH, Li-ion, Ni-Cad, small, sealed lead-acid batteries
  • Mercury Thermometers (learn more)
  • Mercury Thermostats (learn more)
  • Other Mercury-containing devices
  • Other Lamps – High intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium, metal halide

Broken lamps will be accepted if placed inside two plastic bags.

Information on proper handling of broken lamps can be found here: Maine DEP Broken Bulb Info

Universal Waste Tip Fees

ItemDisposal Fee
Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Straight 2' fluorescentFree
Straight 4' fluorescentFree
Straight 8' fluorescentFree
U-shaped fluorescentFree
Circular fluorescentFree
Fluorescent Ballasts with PCB's (residential)Free
Fluorescent Ballasts with PCB's (commercial)$7.00
Rechargeable Batteries*Free
*Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-CD), Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH), Lithium Ion (Li-ion), Small sealed lead (Pb) up to 2 lbs each
Mercury Thermometers$1.00
Mercury Thermostats$1.00
Other Mercury-containing devicesFree
Other Lamps*$6.50
*High intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium, metal halide

Electronics Recycling

The Bath Landfill accepts a full menu of electronic items for recycling:

  • Televisions
  • Computers
  • Computer monitors
  • Peripherals – keyboards, mice
  • Printers/Scanners/Fax machines
  • UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

These items must be delivered to the landfill intact and undamaged.  Curbside collection is not available for these items.

A (free) permit is required to access the facility.  Proof of Bath residency is required or non-Bath disposal rates will apply.

Please stop at the scale house to dispose of these items (and all other wastes too).

ItemDisposal Fee (per unit)
Computer monitor or Television - Residential ONLY$15
Computer monitor or Television - Commercial ONLY$20
Computer CPU$3
Printer/Scanner Fax/UPS$0

Paint Recycling

Do you have paint, stain and/or varnish to recycle?
Many paint stores now take back house paint (including stain and varnish) year-round during their regular business hours as part of the PaintCare program. If you have unused paint for recycling, don't wait for household hazardous waste collection. Finding a place to take it is now easier and more convenient in our community. [Note: these sites do not accept non-paint products such as thinner, solvents, spackle, pesticides, or cleaning chemicals.]

The Maine Paint Stewardship Program is run by PaintCare, a nonprofit organization funded by a nominal fee on the price of new paint. Residents and most businesses from any part of the state may use any PaintCare retail location. PaintCare also offers a pick-up service if you have at least 300 gallons of unwanted paint.

There is no charge when you drop off your paint or have it picked up. To find participating drop-off locations, learn more about the pick-up service, or find out which products are accepted, please visit www.paintcare.org or call (855) 724-6809.

Nearby Stores Accepting Waste Paint:

Rocky's Ace Hardware  |  55 Congress Ave, Bath

Sherwin-Williams  |  179 Pleasant St, Brunswick

Sherwin-Williams  |  86 Topsham Fair Mall Rd, Topsham

Ames True Value Hardware & Supply  |  447 Bath Rd, Wiscasset

Shredded Paper 

Can I put my shredded paper in plastic bags for collection? 

You cannot place any recyclable materials out for collection in plastic bags.  Please dispose of shredded paper with your trash.  Or use the alternatives below.

Can I get rid of shredded paper at the landfill?  

No, you should place shredded paper in your regular household trash for curbside collection.

How else can I get rid of shredded paper?
If you shred a lot of paper at your home or business, consider hiring a shredding service (locally available at Mail-It-4-U). You can also compost your shredded paper - backyard composting is fine or use our drop-off kiosk. If you drop off, the shredded paper cannot contain envelopes with plastic windows, glossy or coated paper, or credit cards. Only plain paper is acceptable.

Can I Recycle This?

If you still have questions about what or how to recycle something you have, try using the Ecomaine Recyclopedia. The City of Bath does not use Ecomaine, a waste-to-energy and recycling plant in Portland, for solid waste services.  However, the rules are generally the same throughout southern Maine. The extensive collection of recycling information assembled by Ecomaine can be a great resource when you have something that seems outside the regular list of recyclable materials.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-443-8352
Emergencies: Dial 911
450 Oak Grove Avenue

Monday -Friday, 6:30AM - 2:30PM